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Eventos passados (10)

The Great Garden Birdwatch

Jersey (UK)

De 03 Fev até 04 Fev, 2024
Action for Wildlife Jersey is inviting the community to partake in the 23rd annual Great Garden Birdwatch. This cherished event, taking place on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th February, serves not only as an engaging activity for nature enthusiasts but also plays an important role in monitoring the health of our local bird populations. The Great Garden Birdwatch has become a staple in Jersey’s environmental calendar over the past two decades, offering residents a unique opportunity to connect with nature while contributing to vital citizen science. Those wishing to take part can use the Jersey Great Garden BirdWatch Survey Form 2024, available online or as a hard copy, to record their sightings. Results can be submitted via email to through Action for Wildlife Jersey’s Facebook page.

Leveraging #OneMillionActsofScience to Catalyze Participation in your Project this April


De 31 Jan até 31 Jan, 2024
Tune into this one-hour, virtual event to discover how to re-inspire your participants (and find new ones) to engage in your project this April when we are aiming for a collective One Million Acts of Science during Citizen Science Month. This event is cohosted by SciStarter and the Association for Advancing Participatory Sciences. Register for free to attend and/or receive a recording.

Open call: STARTS Prize Africa


De 18 Jan até 01 Mar, 2024
Science, Technology, and the ARTS (STARTS) is inviting African artists, companies, scientists, researchers and businesses to participate in the first edition of its Prize Africa competition in Linz, Austria. An initiative of the European Commission, STARTS is designed to foster alliances of science, technology and artistic practice. The focus is on people and projects that contribute to mastering the social, ecological and economic challenges. The STARTS Prize Africa will highlight and award regional best practices in the field through the launch of the African edition of the well-known STARTS Prize. The STARTS Prize has been a major contributor in building the foundations of a community interlinking artists, companies, scientists, researchers and businesses. This movement will now be enhanced with the first edition of the STARTS Prize Africa. The STARTS Prize Africa is not restricted to a particular genre or field. The competition is open to all forms of creative practices, be it music, performing and visual arts, film, animation, gaming, photography, VR and XR, design, fashion, architecture, journalism, art-science collaborations, citizen science initiatives, human-centred AI projects, social software, and many more. The competition is open to citizens and residents of all African countries, as well as legal entities registered on the continent.

Prêmio Ciência Cidadã da União Europeia

De 10 Jan até 11 Mar, 2024
Get up to 60,000 euros in support for your Citizen Science project and present it at the upcoming Ars Electronica Festival. O concurso está aberto a Iniciativas de Ciência Cidadã no Espaço Europeu de Investigação. Isso inclui a União Europeia e países terceiros que estão associados ao Horizonte Europa ou que negociam um acordo de associação com o Horizonte Europa. Uma lista de todos os países qualificados está disponível em: https://impetus4cs.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/IMPETUS-Eligible-Countries-2024.pdf

Kaziranga Bird Conservation Festival

Kaziranga National Park

De 09 Jan até 10 Jan, 2024
The festival will be focussing on the theme "Conserving Birds using Citizen Science," and aims to bring together everyday citizens, and motivate them to actively take part in the monitoring and preservation of bird populations. This approach fosters a collective responsibility for conservation efforts, aligning with the collaborative ethos of citizen science.

Diverse participation in Citizen Science: Astronomy Workshop

University of the Sunshine Coast (Australia)
De 09 Dez até 09 Dez, 2023
If you would like to explore astronomy, learn about light pollution, take light meter recordings, learn about citizen science, and give feedback to help inform inclusive workshop experiences, you are invited to attend a two-hour workshop on the 9th December 2023, from 6pm - 8pm at the UniSC Sippy Downs campus (Parking is free) in the visualisation studio (https://bit.ly/3FVJbkc). If you have questions or would like assistance to register, please contact Dr. Vikki Schaffer (vschaffe@usc.edu.au). Places are limited. Accompanying carers and friends are welcome to attend. If you would like to know more, a research project information sheet is available here: https://bit.ly/3QXdBIY

Citizen Science EcoAction Day

Crandon Park, Miami (EUA)
De 09 Dez até 09 Dez, 2023
Jon Miami EcoAdventures & local non-profit Debris Free Oceans for our monthly Citizen Science project activity, hosted at Crandon Park every 2nd Saturday. Citizen Science is a way for the general public to be directly involved in the process of scientific data collection and to be engaged in scientific thinking. The goal of this activity is to have volunteers become amateur scientists while working with a group of professional scientists to collect critical data on marine debris in our local environment. Responsibilities and Duties: • Cleaning up the beach. • Sorting marine debris collected • Gathering and recording data. Qualifications: Volunteers under 13 must participate with a parent/guardian present. Please brIng a refillable water bottle, closed-toed shoes, and protection from the sun (sunscreen, hats, sunglasses).

YouCount's final conference

Bruxelas (Bélgica) e Online
De 04 Dez até 05 Dez, 2023
How can we shape an inclusive society for young people at risk of exclusion in Europe? The Horizon 2020 research and innovation project YouCount explored this question through co-creative research with youth and local stakeholders in nine countries across ten cases. After two years of hands-on Youth Citizen Social Science work, YouCount will share experiences and look ahead to discuss findings and potential impacts on EU policies and beyond. The first day includes a seminar focusing on hands-on Youth Citizen Social Science and a welcome reception. The second day kicks off with the final conference discussing implications of key findings with stakeholders and policymakers. On both days, the voices of our young co-researchers will be amplified during presentations, interactive sessions, round table discussions and an exhibition. The event will be free of charge and partly hybrid. Contribute to societal change through Youth Citizen Social Science

Collaborative design of educational and urban spaces

Coimbra (Portugal)
De 04 Dez até 04 Dez, 2023
Partimos da vontade de partilhar e debater experiências nacionais e internacionais sobre as possíveis ligações entre a investigação em ciências sociais, humanidades e artes e os contextos escolares e educativos. O objetivo é ampliar o âmbito de atuação das possibilidades de investigação, a partir de uma perspetiva de ciência cidadã. Para tal, partimos de parcerias e colaborações diretas entre investigadores/investigadoras de contextos académicos e contextos educativos, incluindo a partilha de experiências concretas de intervenção colaborativa nos espaços educativos e nos espaços públicos da cidade de Coimbra. Esta oficina permite, assim, concretizar um lugar do diálogo com diversos atores ligados à educação e à investigação: investigadores, professores, diretores de escola, estudantes, famílias, ativistas comunitários. Em concreto, pretendemos ampliar a produção de conhecimento sobre novos formatos de organização do espaço educativo e do espaço público das cidades, partindo de uma experiência concreta, com a EB1 Quinta das Flores (Agrupamento de Escolas Coimbra Sul). Nesta iniciativa, investigadores, professores e alunos colaboraram na criação de novas propostas para o desenho dos espaços da escola. Iremos também contar com a colaboração do Zás Coletivo, um grupo de jovens arquitetos e estudantes de arquitetura, que trarão a sua experiência de intervenção nos espaços públicos da cidade de Coimbra. This is the 4th workshop organised by CC.EDU | Working Group on Citizen Science and Education under the Series 'Building Educational Communities'

Accelerating Climate Action through Citizen Science: Role of COP 28 and Beyond

Green Education Pavilion Al Fanar. Dubai (EAU)
De 02 Dez até 02 Dez, 2023
"Accelerating Climate Action through Citizen Science: Role of COP 28 and Beyond,” is organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), U.S. Department of State and New Indian Model School (NIMS), Dubai. Ocean health and environmental education experts and alumni educators of “Project Ocean Matters” will map the nexus between oceans and climate change; the role of citizen science tools such as the “Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment” (GLOBE), and the “Microplastic Monitoring Protocol Trial” (MMPT). A mock COP by students of NIMS, Dubai will highlight the role of youth and educational institutions in accelerating Climate Action.
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