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Citizen Science as a Path for Sustaining Healthy Waterbodies

Foz do Iguaçu (PR)

De 05 Mai até 09 Mai, 2024
O prazo para submissão de resumos é 22 de dezembro de 2023. É com grande satisfação que convidamos a todos e todas a participarem do 37º Congresso da Sociedade Internacional de Limnologia (SIL), que ocorrerá em Foz do Iguaçu, entre os dias 5 e 9 de maio de 2024. Neste Congresso haverá uma sessão temática “Citizen Science as a Path for Sustaining Healthy Waterbodies” que pode ser um ótimo momento de discussão sobre as ações de ciência cidadã em nossos ecossistemas aquáticos continentais. Traga sua pesquisa para as discussões desta sessão, submetendo seu trabalho à SIL. Abstract: Lakes, streams & wetlands are widely ignored by scientists, the public, and decision-makers. Yet, like the smallest blood vessels of an organism’s body, these headwaters are critically important for the healthy functioning and structuring of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Climate change, land use intensification, and water withdrawals create a perfect storm for fragmenting and degrading those small waters—despite their importance to unique, endemic biota and for providing ecosystem services to humans (e.g., flood, drought, & disease mitigation, fisheries, wildlife viewing). It is critically important for scientists to engage not only other scientists—but the public as well. We must assist public school students and teachers in monitoring and assessing water quality and biota, including discussing the results with local decision-makers (private companies and local governments). Engaging school youths is a seed for citizen-science growth and effectiveness. Simplified quantitative field protocols and GoPro filming of reference & impaired streams provide pertinent and appropriate information for communicating with decision-makers. Engaging citizen groups regarding the human health and economic benefits of stream rehabilitation provides information on the ecosystem services offered by healthy streams and riparian communities. With the assistance of our coauthors, we will present global research examples of the values and threats to those aquatic ecosystems together with alternatives for communicating that information to the public and decision-makers.
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