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Ongoing events
Global Survey on Opportunities for Citizen Data in addressing Infectious Diseases
OnlineFrom 20 Nov until 30 Mar, 2025
With the support of the Wellcome Trust, the Global Partnership is undertaking a scoping study in order to institutionalize the production and use of citizen data in the response to and prevention of environmentally sensitive infectious diseases, including cholera, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and arboviruses (including dengue and yellow fever).
This survey is intended to collect insights to better understand the opportunities, challenges, and skills-building needs required to institutionalize citizen data for the prevention and response to infectious disease, and the policy priorities thereafter. We also seek to identify organizations that have experience in this area of work as potential partners.
More specifically, this survey aims to:
Identify producers of inclusive data and citizen data
Understand the needs of actors in the infectious disease field that can benefit from inclusive data and citizen data
Identify skills and capacity needs for citizen data use.
This survey is open to anyone who is carrying out work on citizen data, inclusive data or infectious diseases. We are particularly interested to hear from: grassroot organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations, academia, research organizations, networks and communities of practice.
Citizen data
Citizen data is defined as data produced by and with sufficient engagement of citizens, communities, civil society organizations and other actors at the design and/or collection stages of the data process, with the aim to inform decision making, responding to specific needs of a community, supplementing existing data from the National Statistical Systems at various levels, or filling data gaps. By sufficient engagement, we mean citizens partner equally with producers of data to share planning and decision-making responsibilities or citizens actively control the entire data process, showcasing collective agency.
Inclusive data
Inclusive data refers to data that is representative, especially of those who are often marginalized, ensuring that data are collected for all people, regardless of their location, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, or other characteristics. Inclusive data goes beyond data disaggregation, looking across the data value chain - from data collection, analysis through to its dissemination uptake and use.
Infectious disease
In this context, we refer to infectious diseases as illnesses caused by pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites whose spread, transmission, or severity is influenced by changes in environmental factors and climate patterns. Examples of diseases include cholera, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and arboviruses, such as dengue and yellow fever.
This survey will take ~10 minutes to complete. Your responses are treated with confidentiality and will be reported as part of aggregate quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Upcoming Events
Exploring the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Transforming Citizen Science: Privacy, Data Sharing, and Open Science
From 19 Feb until 19 Feb, 2025
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming many fields, but its potential to revolutionise citizen science remains underexplored. Join the ECSA Citizen Science and Open Science working group on 19 February, 12:00 - 13:30 CET for a webinar exploring critical issues around data anonymisation and privacy in large-scale data sharing, and examine how AI can enhance citizen engagement, democratise science, and foster innovative approaches to data management, collection, and analysis.
A key focus will be on integrating citizen science data into AI systems to address challenges and risks, offering a new perspective on co-creating AI through the amai! programme in support of sustainable development and open science.
Segunda edición del monitoreo del Arroyo Ludueña
Santa Fe, ArgentinaFrom 21 Feb until 10 Mar, 2025
El Gobierno de la Provincia convoca a la ciudadanía a participar de la segunda edición del monitoreo del Arroyo Ludueña, una iniciativa del Ministerio de Ambiente y Cambio Climático que apunta a integrar a vecinos y vecinas que quieran formar parte de un esfuerzo colaborativo para evaluar la calidad del agua y la biodiversidad. Esta actividad busca reforzar el vínculo entre la comunidad y el ambiente, promoviendo la participación en el cuidado del entorno natural. El monitoreo ciudadano se da en el marco del Plan de Abordaje Integral de la Cuenca del Arroyo Ludueña que lleva adelante el Ministerio de Ambiente y Cambio Climático de Santa Fe.¿Quiénes pueden participar? Equipos de entre 2 a 4 personas, mayores de 18 años y residentes en la provincial de Santa Fe.
La convocatoria está abierta a equipos de entre 2 y 4 personas, mayores de 18 años y residentes en la provincia de Santa Fe. No se requiere experiencia previa, solo el compromiso de participar en dos encuentros obligatorios y recolectar datos al menos dos veces entre el 21 febrero y el 10 de marzo.
RISE Project Online Workshop
OnlineFrom 28 Feb until 28 Feb, 2025
RISE is a European Erasmus+ project with the main goal of enhancing the skills of Social Economy Organizations (SEOs) to collaborate in engaged research (ER), which generates socially impactful outcomes by bringing researchers and communities together.
We would love to invite your organization to participate in this online workshop, where we will co-identify the gaps and barriers that you might be facing when collaborating in ER.
Your input will be crucial in shaping training programs tailored to the specific needs of SEOs within the RISE Project.
OTTERS Project Conference
Oeiras, PortugalFrom 23 May until 24 May, 2025
Waves of Change
Changing hearts and minds through citizen science. Join the conference that will highlight how to bridge Education, Science and Civic Engagement through Citizen Science
The OTTERS Conference: Waves of Change aims to build bridges between citizen science, education and civic engagement and bring together relevant actors in all these fields.
The conference will bring current Citizen Science research and initiatives into light and highlight the OTTERS project’s contribution to the field over the past three years. Through oral presentations, workshops, posters and demonstrations, the conference will showcase innovative strategies to promote citizen science and water literacy, to engage communities, build capacity in education and scale up impactful initiatives.
Join the conference to explore and showcase how Citizen Science can drive societal transformation and ensure the sustainability of our aquatic ecosystems!
Citizen Science for Water Conference
Delft, the NetherlandsFrom 03 Jun until 06 Jun, 2025
Call for contributions closes 15 December 2024 // Join us for the inaugural Citizen Science for Water (CS4Water) Conference, which will be held from 3 – 5 June 2025 in Delft, the Netherlands. For this inaugural CS4Water conference, we will focus on freshwater systems, diving into engaging workshop sessions, exploring innovative research, and connecting international water and citizen science experts. The conference will focus on the crucial role citizen science plays within water resource monitoring, management and governance as well as community-led actions. The conference will bring together experienced citizen science practitioners and newcomers from both the Global North and Global South who are interested in exploring how citizen science can contribute to water management.
University of LausanneFrom 05 Jun until 06 Jun, 2025
CitSciHelvetia is the Swiss Citizen Science Conference. CitSciHelvetia connects Swiss stakeholders in Citizen Science and participatory research in general, promoting the exchange of experiences and shared learning between the three language and cultural regions. It serves as the platform for professional exchange with Science et Cité hosting the second Swiss Citizen Science Conference.
CitSciHelvetia'25 will take place on June 5 and 6, 2025 at University of Lausanne. It follows the motto “Citizen Science in Action – Collaboration betweeen Civic Society and Academia”.
The conference addresses project leaders and project staff of Citizen Science projects, representatives of universities, research institutions, NGOs and associations as well as people who engage themselves in Citizen Science on an institutional level. In addition, the conference addresses representatives of science communication, transdisciplinary and participatory research, and Open Science.
Citizen science for health
Zurich, SwitzerlandFrom 06 Nov until 07 Nov, 2025
Save the date! On 6 and 7 November 2025 the second global conference on citizen science for health will take place in Zurich, Switzerland. You can sign up to receive email updates about the conference, including a notification when the call for abstracts will be opened. This conference is organised by the ECSA working group Citizen Science For Health ( .
Register for updates
ECSA 2026 Conference
Oulu, FinlandFrom 04 Mar until 07 Mar, 2026
Mark your calendars for ECSA 2026 Conference, taking place from 4-7 March, 2026 in Oulu, Finland. Hosted by the University of Oulu during the city's year as a European Capital of Culture, this conference promises to be a landmark event.
As we look forward to this, we would like to hear your feedback and ideas on making the conference more engaging and interactive, fostering dialogue and the exchange of views. Your input will help us create sessions that resonate with our community.
Share your ideas (
Past events
Pós-doutorado em ciência cidadã e cidades sustentáveis na UFSCar
São Carlos, SP, BrazilFrom 31 Jul until 09 Aug, 2024
O prazo de inscrição vai até 9 de agosto. Entre os requisitos estão: conhecimentos sobre biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos e boa comunicação com diferentes agentes sociais. Oportunidade de pós-doutorado com bolsa da FAPESP pelo projeto “Territórios urbanos e suas áreas verdes: biodiversidade e desenvolvimento sustentável em sistemas adaptativos complexos”. A pesquisa é conduzida na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), no âmbito do Programa BIOTA-FAPESP.
A vaga requer conhecimentos sobre biodiversidade e serviços ecossistêmicos, boa comunicação com diferentes agentes sociais, conhecimento de coleta e análise no contexto da pesquisa-ação, coprodução, transdisciplinaridade e/ou ciência cidadã. Além disso, o candidato deve ser capaz de escrever artigos científicos em inglês, ter disponibilidade para residir em São Carlos e para atuar nas cidades de Araras, Campina do Monte Alegre, São Carlos e Sorocaba. A oportunidade de pós-doutorado está aberta a brasileiros e estrangeiros. O selecionado receberá Bolsa de Pós-Doutorado da FAPESP no valor de R$ 12.000,00 mensais a partir de 1º de agosto e Reserva Técnica equivalente a 10% do valor anual da bolsa para atender a despesas imprevistas e diretamente relacionadas à atividade de pesquisa.
Caso o bolsista de PD resida em domicílio fora da cidade na qual se localiza a instituição-sede da pesquisa e precise se mudar, poderá ter direito a um auxílio-instalação.
Segundo Foro Mujeres Naturalistas en México y Latinoamérica
OnlineFrom 10 Feb until 15 Feb, 2025
El Segundo Foro Mujeres Naturalistas en México y Latinoamérica está enmarcado en el Día de las Niñas y Mujeres en la Ciencia que se realiza cada año en fecha del 11 de febrero a nivel internacional.
El objetivo principal del Foro es visibilizar el trabajo de las Mujeres Naturalistas en México y en otros países de Latinoamérica, como fuente de inspiración para acercar a las niñas y a las mujeres al conocimiento y conservación de la biodiversidad por medio del uso de la plataforma iNaturalist, con ponencias sobre experiencias, alcances y casos de éxito de Mujeres Naturalistas de Guatemala, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Perú, Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay y varios estados de la República Mexicana. La idea de este foro es conocer la experiencia de estas mujeres, los retos a los que se han enfrentado como mujeres que salen al campo para fotografiar la naturaleza y compartirla en la plataforma de Ciencia Ciudadana.
Cada historia Naturalista nos brinda aspectos que integran la vida de las mujeres en completud, ya sea como estudiantes, profesionistas, maestras, madres, investigadoras, artistas, empresarias, conservacionistas, mujeres que aman la naturaleza y que son agentes de cambio en cualquier rincón del mundo.
Filosofia da Ciência Cidadã - webinário do ciclo Diálogos em Ciência Cidadã
From 10 Feb until 10 Feb, 2025
O 3º webinário do ciclo "Diálogos em Ciência Cidadã" será realizado no dia 10/02 às 16h. Com o tema "Filosofia da Ciência Cidadã", o evento será o primeiro com convidados internacionais e transmissão em inglês.
O ciclo é promovido pelo Instituto Nacional de Ciência Cidadã (INCC), que possui como instituição executora o Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia (Ibict), e conta com a parceria da Rede Brasileira de Ciência Cidadã e o apoio do CNPq e da CAPES.
Vem Passarinhar Sampa
Parque Chácara do Jockey, São Paulo (SP)07:00
From 25 Jan until 25 Jan, 2025
São saídas mensais gratuitas para observação de aves nos parques municipais da cidade de São Paulo, com monitoria, empréstimo de binóculos e realização de listas no eBird (aplicativo contendo um banco de dados on-line de observações de aves fornecendo dados em tempo real sobre a distribuição e a abundância de aves). Organizado pela SAVE Brasil e a Divisão da Fauna Silvestre da Prefeitura de São Paulo.
Finding Your Role in Civic Engagement
From 12 Dec until 12 Dec, 2024
Join our AAPS Civic Engagement & Policymaking Toolkit webinar series, and learn about the different roles science engagement organizations can play in collaborative civic engagement efforts.
Desafios jurídico-normativos dos dados em Ciência Cidadã
From 26 Nov until 26 Nov, 2024
Está chegando o 2º webinário do Ciclo "Diálogos em Ciência Cidadã"! O evento on-line e gratuito que terá como tema os "Desafios jurídico-normativos dos dados em Ciência Cidadã" contará com os seguintes convidados: - Luca Schirru (INCC)
- Allan Rocha de Souza e - Vinícius de Araújo Oliveira (Fiocruz)
O ciclo é promovido pelo Instituto Nacional de Ciência Cidadã, que possui como instituição executora o Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia e conta com o apoio do CNPq, CAPES e a parceria da RBCC
Desafios jurídico-normativos dos dados em Ciência Cidadã
From 26 Nov until 26 Nov, 2024
A 2ª edição do Ciclo de Webinários "Diálogos em Ciência Cidadã" já tem data marcada, tema e convidados. Será no dia 26/11 (terça), às 16h, ao vivo pelo canal do YT do Ibict. O assunto central será "Desafios jurídico-normativos dos dados em Ciência Cidadã".
Confira quem são os convidados!
- Allan Rocha de Souza: Professor e pesquisador de direitos autorais e culturais no Programa de Pós Graduação em Políticas Públicas, Estratégia e Desenvolvimento (PPED/UFRJ); de direito civil e propriedade intelectual do curso de direito do ITR/UFRRJ; de direitos autorais na especialização em PI da PUC-RJ. Diretor Científico e Presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Autorais (IBDAutoral). Consultor jurídico de direitos autorais da FIOCRUZ e outras instituições. Advogado.
- Vinícius de Araújo Oliveira: Atualmente é Coordenador-Geral de Monitoramento, Avaliação e Inteligência Analítica da Secretaria de Atenção Primária à Saúde / Ministério da Saúde. Médico (2003) e mestre em saúde pública (2007) pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Pesquisador do CIDACS / Fiocruz Bahia em Epidemiologia e Saúde Digital.
- Luca Schirru: Pesquisador de pós-doutorado no Instituto Nacional de Ciência Cidadã. Diretor executivo e pesquisador no Instituto Brasileiro de Direitos Autorais. Professor (PUC-Rio), Pesquisador, Advogado e Consultor Jurídico em Direitos Autorais.
“Mobilising science and society to restore the Danube River Basin: Exploring routes to collective action”
From 25 Nov until 25 Nov, 2024
In our matchmaking workshop we bring together scientists doing research related to Danube River Basin ecosystems and Citizen Science practitioners, to find new ways to collaborate on the common goal of improving the Danube river’s ecological status, biodiversity and ecosystem connectivity (See our agenda below).
Please join us if you...
are involved in research and/or citizen science initiatives in the Danube River Basin
want to contribute to the health and resilience of the ecosystems of the Danube River Basin
are involved in a citizen science or other research initiative in the Danube River Basin that you would like to expand
are looking for new partners to implement (citizen) science projects or activities connected to the Danube River Basin
want to start implementing citizen science in your research related to ecosystem and river restoration, but you don't know where to start
or want to get involved in citizen science in the Danube River Basin.
With Guest Speakers:
Muki Haklay (ECS) – Citizen science
Eva Manzenreiter (DANUBE4all) – Sediment analysis
Sara Blanco Ramirez (CrowdWater) – Flood and drought monitoring
Enya Enriquez Brambila & Vera Knook (River Collective) – Collective river stewardship
Critical Preparations for Civic Engagement
From 21 Nov until 21 Nov, 2024
Join AAPS Civic Engagement & Policymaking Toolkit webinar series, and learn how to set yourself up for success in civic engagement efforts, including using power mapping and risk registers.
Practitioner Workshop: CitSciMonth 2025
From 20 Nov until 20 Nov, 2024
Join SciStarter and the Association for Advancing Participatory Sciences for a workshop on engaging volunteers during Citizen Science Month. You'll learn how to leverage SciStarter's free resources to inspire your existing volunteers and gain more, and to become a featured project during Citizen Science Month!