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Eventos atuais (1)

Global Survey on Opportunities for Citizen Data in addressing Infectious Diseases


De 20 Nov até 30 Mar, 2025
With the support of the Wellcome Trust, the Global Partnership is undertaking a scoping study in order to institutionalize the production and use of citizen data in the response to and prevention of environmentally sensitive infectious diseases, including cholera, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and arboviruses (including dengue and yellow fever). This survey is intended to collect insights to better understand the opportunities, challenges, and skills-building needs required to institutionalize citizen data for the prevention and response to infectious disease, and the policy priorities thereafter. We also seek to identify organizations that have experience in this area of work as potential partners. More specifically, this survey aims to: Identify producers of inclusive data and citizen data Understand the needs of actors in the infectious disease field that can benefit from inclusive data and citizen data Identify skills and capacity needs for citizen data use. This survey is open to anyone who is carrying out work on citizen data, inclusive data or infectious diseases. We are particularly interested to hear from: grassroot organizations, governments, non-governmental organizations, academia, research organizations, networks and communities of practice. Definitions Citizen data Citizen data is defined as data produced by and with sufficient engagement of citizens, communities, civil society organizations and other actors at the design and/or collection stages of the data process, with the aim to inform decision making, responding to specific needs of a community, supplementing existing data from the National Statistical Systems at various levels, or filling data gaps. By sufficient engagement, we mean citizens partner equally with producers of data to share planning and decision-making responsibilities or citizens actively control the entire data process, showcasing collective agency. Inclusive data Inclusive data refers to data that is representative, especially of those who are often marginalized, ensuring that data are collected for all people, regardless of their location, ethnicity, gender, age, disability, or other characteristics. Inclusive data goes beyond data disaggregation, looking across the data value chain - from data collection, analysis through to its dissemination uptake and use. Infectious disease In this context, we refer to infectious diseases as illnesses caused by pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites whose spread, transmission, or severity is influenced by changes in environmental factors and climate patterns. Examples of diseases include cholera, schistosomiasis, leishmaniasis, and arboviruses, such as dengue and yellow fever. This survey will take ~10 minutes to complete. Your responses are treated with confidentiality and will be reported as part of aggregate quantitative and qualitative analysis.

Eventos passados (3)

Citizen Science as a Path for Sustaining Healthy Waterbodies

Foz do Iguaçu (PR)

De 05 Mai até 09 Mai, 2024
O prazo para submissão de resumos é 22 de dezembro de 2023. É com grande satisfação que convidamos a todos e todas a participarem do 37º Congresso da Sociedade Internacional de Limnologia (SIL), que ocorrerá em Foz do Iguaçu, entre os dias 5 e 9 de maio de 2024. Neste Congresso haverá uma sessão temática “Citizen Science as a Path for Sustaining Healthy Waterbodies” que pode ser um ótimo momento de discussão sobre as ações de ciência cidadã em nossos ecossistemas aquáticos continentais. Traga sua pesquisa para as discussões desta sessão, submetendo seu trabalho à SIL. Abstract: Lakes, streams & wetlands are widely ignored by scientists, the public, and decision-makers. Yet, like the smallest blood vessels of an organism’s body, these headwaters are critically important for the healthy functioning and structuring of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Climate change, land use intensification, and water withdrawals create a perfect storm for fragmenting and degrading those small waters—despite their importance to unique, endemic biota and for providing ecosystem services to humans (e.g., flood, drought, & disease mitigation, fisheries, wildlife viewing). It is critically important for scientists to engage not only other scientists—but the public as well. We must assist public school students and teachers in monitoring and assessing water quality and biota, including discussing the results with local decision-makers (private companies and local governments). Engaging school youths is a seed for citizen-science growth and effectiveness. Simplified quantitative field protocols and GoPro filming of reference & impaired streams provide pertinent and appropriate information for communicating with decision-makers. Engaging citizen groups regarding the human health and economic benefits of stream rehabilitation provides information on the ecosystem services offered by healthy streams and riparian communities. With the assistance of our coauthors, we will present global research examples of the values and threats to those aquatic ecosystems together with alternatives for communicating that information to the public and decision-makers.

Incorporating citizen science, indigenous and traditional knowledge and engaging their producers in overviews and syntheses

Brasilia Palace Hotel, Brasilia, Brazil
De 28 Fev até 28 Fev, 2024
This event is part of the Workshop on Open Synthesis Science in Biodiversity and Climate Change Research. How can we enhance fair and equal collaboration in open synthesis science? This workshop brings together prominent directors, research experts, and thought leaders from the United States and Brazil from Institutions of Higher Education to work together to tackle this question. They will discuss and collaborate on essential topics shaping synthesis and open science in biodiversity and climate change research. We expect an esteemed gathering of approximately 30 experts, fostering an environment conducive to fruitful discussions, networking, and exploring joint science projects. This workshop is part of an agreement between NSF and CNPq, aiming to propel scientific collaboration between both nations. ESIIL, working in collaboration with CNPq’s Brazilian Synthesis Center on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (SinBiose), developed the workshop agenda focusing on stimulating discussion on open and synthesis science and sparking collaborations between researchers from both countries and across synthesis centers. Following the workshop, the event leads will summarize the potential collaborations, key areas of progress, knowledge gaps, and identified challenges and needs to advance open synthesis science in climate change and biodiversity research across scales. ESIIL and SinBiose team members and NSF and CNPq representatives will convene at the CNPq headquarters on the fourth day of the visit to present the workshop outcomes and discuss future opportunities.

Accelerating Climate Action through Citizen Science: Role of COP 28 and Beyond

Green Education Pavilion Al Fanar. Dubai (EAU)
De 02 Dez até 02 Dez, 2023
"Accelerating Climate Action through Citizen Science: Role of COP 28 and Beyond,” is organized by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), U.S. Department of State and New Indian Model School (NIMS), Dubai. Ocean health and environmental education experts and alumni educators of “Project Ocean Matters” will map the nexus between oceans and climate change; the role of citizen science tools such as the “Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment” (GLOBE), and the “Microplastic Monitoring Protocol Trial” (MMPT). A mock COP by students of NIMS, Dubai will highlight the role of youth and educational institutions in accelerating Climate Action.
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