
Criadas 05/06/2024, 22:23
Última atualização 05/06/2024, 22:31
Este projeto não está disponível no seu idioma. Traduza e ajude a comunidade.

iSeahorse is a tool for seahorse science and conservation. Please upload your seahorse observations via this project page.

iSeahorse harnesses the power of community scientists — anyone, anywhere in the world who sees a seahorse in the wild — to improve our understanding of these mysterious and beautiful and animal and protect them from overfishing and other threats.

Anyone can join iSeahorse. Whether you’re a diver, or a fisher, or a scientist, or a seahorse enthusiast, you can upload your photos and observations to iSeahorse. You can help identify seahorse species. You can advocate for their protection in your ocean neighbourhood.

Scientists from Project Seahorse and seahorse experts around the world will use your observations to better understand seahorse behaviour, species ranges, and the threats seahorses face. We will use this knowledge to improve seahorse conservation across the globe.

Wondering if your observations will help make a difference? To date we have amassed over 8000 observations from more than 1400 individual contributors. Such community knowledge is of great value for conservation and management of the world’s 46 seahorse species. For example, preliminary analysis shows that 15% of verified observations are outside the previously known range of the species. For another, iSeahorse observations data have already prompted creation of one new marine protected area (MPA) in the village of Anda, Bohol, Philippines and expansion of another MPA !

Thanks for joining our project!

Ativo de 06/05/2013
Sea Seahorse
Temas da ciência
Ambientes marinhos e costeiros
Organização responsável
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