PPSR Core - Public Participation in Scientific Research Core

Criadas 18/09/2023, 16:20
Última atualização 23/02/2024, 09:37

PPSR Core is a set of global, transdisciplinary data and metadata standards for use in  Public Participation in Scientific Research (Citizen Science) projects. These standards are united, supported, and underlined by a common framework illustrating how information is structured within the citizen science domain. This allows data to be used across platforms and projects in a consistent manner, furthering the research goals of the scientific community.

PPSR Core is maintained by the Citizen Science Association citizenscience.org working group for Data & Metadata. Our international organization represents over 2K different citizen science projects with over 1M volunteers. We welcome a diverse group of individuals & organizations! To help contribute to our standard, please read this guide.

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