India Biodiversity Portal

A repository of information designed to harness and disseminate collective intelligence on the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent.


This portal aims to provide information on biodiversity in India. It is designed to harness collective knowledge, seek voluntary participation of users and establish a participatory platform for content generation, verification and usage. The Portal aims to facilitate and enable widespread participation by all citizens in contributing and accessing information on Indian biodiversity, that benefits science and society, contributes to a sustainable future; and guides the development and use of this Portal.


The IBP intends to aggregate biodiversity information for public good, by leveraging Web and providing easy open access to this wealth of information. The portal intends to mobilize a collaborative community that will build high-quality map-based multimedia information on India's biodiversity.


The portal is work in progress. We will adhere to the philosophy of the perpetual beta. We realize there are always enhancements to be done, features that need to be added, performance to be optimized and improved, user interfaces to be made intuitive and easy, and not to forget, bugs to be fixed. However, since we are deploying the portal as a web application, we hope we will be able to provide frequent updates and satisfy all users. If you have any ideas, advice or comments, please let us know.


The portal is expected to be of interest to researchers, hobbyists, professionals, naturalists, policy makers, activists, educators and students, as well as the curious citizen and the netizen! The success of this portal depends on your participation and its usefulness as a storehouse of information on the biodiversity of India. Enjoy looking into the biological diversity of the area of your interest within India. Join the community and provide information on the biodiversity of your neighborhood. We are hoping that in due course we will have sufficient information based on widespread participation to provide information related to your neighborhoods.   

We look forward to your involvement and support in this project. Together, we can help develop the India Biodiversity Portal into a site rich in information on the biodiversity of the Indian subcontinent and provides free and open access to it.

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