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Eventos passados (6)

Open call: STARTS Prize Africa


De 18 Jan até 01 Mar, 2024
Science, Technology, and the ARTS (STARTS) is inviting African artists, companies, scientists, researchers and businesses to participate in the first edition of its Prize Africa competition in Linz, Austria. An initiative of the European Commission, STARTS is designed to foster alliances of science, technology and artistic practice. The focus is on people and projects that contribute to mastering the social, ecological and economic challenges. The STARTS Prize Africa will highlight and award regional best practices in the field through the launch of the African edition of the well-known STARTS Prize. The STARTS Prize has been a major contributor in building the foundations of a community interlinking artists, companies, scientists, researchers and businesses. This movement will now be enhanced with the first edition of the STARTS Prize Africa. The STARTS Prize Africa is not restricted to a particular genre or field. The competition is open to all forms of creative practices, be it music, performing and visual arts, film, animation, gaming, photography, VR and XR, design, fashion, architecture, journalism, art-science collaborations, citizen science initiatives, human-centred AI projects, social software, and many more. The competition is open to citizens and residents of all African countries, as well as legal entities registered on the continent.

YouCount's final conference

Bruxelas (Bélgica) e Online
De 04 Dez até 05 Dez, 2023
How can we shape an inclusive society for young people at risk of exclusion in Europe? The Horizon 2020 research and innovation project YouCount explored this question through co-creative research with youth and local stakeholders in nine countries across ten cases. After two years of hands-on Youth Citizen Social Science work, YouCount will share experiences and look ahead to discuss findings and potential impacts on EU policies and beyond. The first day includes a seminar focusing on hands-on Youth Citizen Social Science and a welcome reception. The second day kicks off with the final conference discussing implications of key findings with stakeholders and policymakers. On both days, the voices of our young co-researchers will be amplified during presentations, interactive sessions, round table discussions and an exhibition. The event will be free of charge and partly hybrid. Contribute to societal change through Youth Citizen Social Science

Connect Collaborate Create Conference

Paris, France
De 19 Out até 21 Out, 2023
This interactive conference will bridge key European communities to: activate participatory research and citizen science involving the social sciences and humanities, and foster ethical participatory approaches to research funding. The conference will bring together the diverse European communities that create and support participatory research (funding) and citizen science. Jointly organised by the European projects COESO and PRO-Ethics, it will focus on the social sciences and humanities as well as on integrating participatory approaches at the research funding stage. On October 19-21, 2023 in Paris, at Aubervilliers, Campus Condorcet, we will welcome researchers, citizen science practitioners, and supporters from all backgrounds, research funding organisations, ethics and integrity experts, as well as policy makers, to open up a space for networking and mutually exploring citizen science/participatory research initiatives and services.

Citizen Science and Our Social-Technical Future: A Brazilian Perspective

De 15 Fev até 15 Fev, 2023
What does it mean to be a citizen scientist and why does it matter? In what ways can the promotion of open science and citizen innovation contribute to a better social-technical future? What are the challenges and limits? Anwers to these quesiton may vary from region to region, but are equally enlightening and inspiring. In this session, four citizen science leaders from Brazil share their insights.

Citizen Science and Frontier Research: ERC Annual Event 2022

De 07 Dez até 07 Dez, 2022
Citizen science plays an important role in encouraging public engagement with research and tackling real-world problems. Research involving citizens and allowing them to gain more insight into the scientific process can lead to more trust in science in general. Also, our environmental, health, social, economic and political challenges require scientists, citizens, policymakers, and in general, a broader range of stakeholders, to find new ways of collaborating with each other. By sharing lessons learnt and best practices within and across scientific domains, the following challenges faced by both scientists and citizens will be addressed: Participation and motivation: What are the main reasons for scientists to engage with citizens and for citizens to engage in science? How do participants benefit from their experience? What are the key obstacles for widening participation? Strategies for engagement: What are the best ways to attract and sustain participation over time? How can communities of practice that encourage engagement and learning be created? What is the best way to combine physical and online tools/techniques? Quality and impact: What type of knowledge can be generated and according to which standards? Is engagement with citizens a way to enhance the quality of science, or only to enhance science impact in the wider society? What is the concrete impact on scientific practices and everyday lives of citizens? What are the key enablers for citizen science?

Innovative INOS - Citizen Science and Open Science event


De 03 Mai até 04 Mai, 2022
Nos dias 3 e 4 de maio, o projeto INOS (Integrating open and citizen science into active learning approach in higher education) vai realizar um evento online de dois dias para apresentar os resultados e produtos do projeto. O evento será dividido em três áreas de discussão:1) Uma introdução geral aos principais conceitos por meio de palestras e casos de usuários para ilustrar as maneiras pelas quais as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) integram a ciência aberta e cidadã em suas práticas. (3 de maio pela manhã)2) Uma abordagem prática com workshops sobre ferramentas pedagógicas e boas práticas desenvolvidas através do projeto INOS. Saiba mais sobre ensinar, aprender e fazer atividades de conhecimento aberto e inovação em IES e trocar suas próprias experiências. (3 de maio pela tarde)3) Uma discussão inspiradora sobre o papel social das universidades através de palestras, um Knowledge Café e uma mesa redonda. Com base em exemplos do campo, diferentes oradores de dentro e de fora do projeto INOS vão discutir o impacto social e inovador que resulta da prática da ciência aberta e cidadã nas IES. (4 de maio pela manhã)O Knowledge Café será realizado em modo híbrido em Bordeaux no dia 3 de maio às 18h. Os participantes locais e online participarão juntos de uma discussão interativa sobre o uso de dados abertos e seus impactos sociais. INSCREVA-SE AQUI: http://ow.ly/kncj50Izne5 Para mais informações sobre a programação do evento e para se inscrever, acesse o site do INOS.
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